Third Semester
MC 1704 – Computer Graphics and Multimedia Systems
(Regulation 2005)
Time : 3 hours Maximam
PART A (10 x 2 = 20 MARKS )
What are the components of Computer Graphics Explain
Define Rasterization.
How can a set of transformations converted from a window
area into a viewport area?
State any two properties of Beizer Curves?
What is a frame? State the purpose of frames.
What are the two types of projection? State their
Distinguish Graphics with Animation?
How are the authoring tools classified? What are they?
State the elements related to Interactivity
What does Lip Synchronization refer to?
PART B (5 x 16 = 80 MARKS )
11(a) (i) State and explain any four of the applications in
(ii) What are the different representations ford drawing
lines and curves
(b) (i) What is Antialising? How is it overcome using
Bresenham’s technique?
(ii) Briefly explain world coordinates and View port
(a) Write short notes on :
(i) Polygons (ii) Splines
(b) What is transformation? What is the need for
transformation? Elaborate on the two dimension transformations of Scaling and
Rotations with its matrix representations.
13. (a) Explain in detail the following colory models _ RGB,
YIQ, CMY and HSV models. Briefly explain the CE Chromaticity Diagram .
(b) (i) Illustrate with examples the Gouraud shading and
Phong shading.
(ii) What are the functionalities of Morphing State its uses
14. (a) (i) Explain the different forms of representation
used in Audio, Video and Images and give their respective formats with neat
sketches wherever possible?
(ii) What is MIDI? How does the two Hardware and data form
components provide MIDI Interface.
((b) (i) State and explain the different techniques employed
in the animation control mechanism
(ii) What are the approaches used for the transmission of
animation over computer networks? Explain.
15. (a) Describe the various factors and functionalities of
transport subsystem used in Multimedia transmissions
(b (i) How does Virtual Reality used to describe user
interface ranging from physical environments to ordinary graphics
(ii) With a neat diagram representing the elements of Video
on Demand System, explain the services offered by VOD.
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